Full Name
Megan Brandel
Job Title
Idaho Out of School Network & Open Arms Dance Project
Speaker Bio
Megan Brandel comes from a family of kind, creative, motorcycle riding welders and artists. These facts remain the best explanations for her artistry and relational instincts. Megan believes everyone’s creative voice matters and she values meaningful human connections. She first developed her love of dance with Kathy Lee and has deep gratitude for every teacher, colleague, and collaborator who has helped her along this path. Megan earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Modern Dance from the University of Colorado at Boulder. She also trained extensively in tap, jazz, ballet, and Integrated Dance, studied Elementary and Special Education and is a certified yoga instructor. As an artist, Megan is the recipient of an Alexa Rose Foundation grant supporting her study with Jacob’s Pillow Curriculum in Motion Institute (2020/21) and was an Artist in Residence at Surel’s Place (October 2020).
Through teaching creative movement, modern dance, and choreography at schools and community centers around Boise, Megan is strongly committed to reaching populations not typically involved in dance and helping them move in ways that are joyful, empowering, collaborative, and community building. In 2008 she founded Open Arms Dance Project, which is an expression of all she believes in as a person and artist – everyone deserves to create, connect with others, and be seen.
Megan Brandel