Bridges Across Cultures: Daddy's Shoes Race
Track A
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM (MDT)
Session Currently Live

We usually attempt to change those who present differently so that they can be more like us rather than try to understand the cultures behind how they live their lives. Identifying our own cultures is the first step in understanding ourselves, our biases, and prejudices before we can take on cultures that are different than ours. As we embark on this journey, we can then begin to embrace others, just as they are, and form the bonds that then lead to healing as we get to know each other beyond the superficial. This journey lets into the world of discovering cultural equivalences that build bridges across the cultures while open up worlds that we may not otherwise step into. Sometimes, cultural values and beliefs can be misunderstood for non-compliance or behavioral issues, and yet as we seek to know the culture behind the languages that we use, we get a clearer, more real picture of what the actual challenges are and can then apply the relevant interventions and offer them in ways that are more readily received and applied, to the relief of all involved. (*This session qualifies for 1.5 units of completion for bachelor's degree and high school levels only. Master's degree level are welcome to attend, but will not get CEU credit.)

Salome Mwangi

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