Dr. Jacob White
Cottonwood Creek Behavioral Hospital
Dr. Jacob White is from Middleton, Idaho (fifth-generation Idahoan) and received his medical training at Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences in Washington state. Dr. White was trained in psychiatry through the University of Arizona College of Medicine. He then underwent two years of specialized training for care of young patients through the Harvard Medical School pediatric psychiatry fellowship at the world-class Boston Children’s Hospital.
While his persistent interest is in improving access to quality care for rural families, having worked with many severely impacted patients who showed only minimal improvement with medications, Dr. White was eager to push for the establishment of a formal ECT service. Dr. White was a member of the founding team of Cottonwood Creek ECT service and one of the primary providers of ECT.
While his persistent interest is in improving access to quality care for rural families, having worked with many severely impacted patients who showed only minimal improvement with medications, Dr. White was eager to push for the establishment of a formal ECT service. Dr. White was a member of the founding team of Cottonwood Creek ECT service and one of the primary providers of ECT.