Non-surgical Transgender Treatment for Adolescents & Young Adults
PIONEER ROOM | 6th Floor
1.0 CEUs approved by NASW
Session B
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (MDT)

Transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) youth are one of the most underserved and vulnerable populations in this country. While some youth may seek medical care to affirm their gender identity, the biggest impact on positive long term mental health outcomes originates in the support they get from adults and peers in other areas of life. This presentation will discuss risk and resiliency factors for TGD youth, address the role primary care and mental health providers play in creating safety nets, provide resources for continued learning, identify strategies for addressing myths and briefly review pathways for gender affirmation/transition. 

We will discuss:

  1. Core values in care of gender-diverse youth and how trauma-informed care can be applied in the provision of this care 
  2. Challenges gender-diverse youth face, including mental health outcomes for youth with and without affirming support at home and in healthcare settings 
  3. Different pathways gender-diverse youth may take to affirm their gender 
Kara Connelly

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